Category School


Self-regulation activities in the classroom for children

What is self-regulation? Self-regulation is the ability that allows us to direct our behavior in the direction we want and thus be able to relate to the people around us. It is part of the acquisition of social skills that begin to be developed from an early age. In Guiainfantil.
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What the bad grades of children hide

Our son comes home saddened and fearful, takes the report card out of his backpack and shows us: he has failed one or more subjects. That is when in most cases reproaches, anger, shouting and even punishments occur. Parents take poor grades from children personally and tend to approach the situation just the opposite of how we should.
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Awards for good grades from children. Yes or no

The end of the year is approaching for many students. After a long course it is time to make a final effort and be able to enjoy the holidays. However, before that you have to pass the dreaded final exams. Many children will cope with confidence and assurance, others with fear and anxiety, and a few with little enthusiasm for the feeling that they will fail.
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7 steps to follow when kids get bad grades

When the grades arrive from the school, the evaluation arrives that contrasts the expectations and the reality, that is, between the effort and the achievements made by the children. The grades or evaluations speak of results and objectives achieved through numerical, quantitative and measurable indicators regarding to the learning and maturational level of the little ones.
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Yellow Pages method for children to interact in class

At times, teachers find it very difficult to get the children who come to their classroom to interact and build that feeling of a consolidated group. With techniques such as the yellow pages, the aim is to promote interaction in class and improve self-knowledge in the classroom, but also for children to become the teachers of their own classmates, sharing knowledge and interests.
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Original ways to thank teachers for their work with children

There are teachers who deserve recognition, for the time they spend with our children in school, because they teach with motivational techniques, because thanks to them our children are willing to go to school and learn, because they teach them values ​​such as cooperation , empathy and solidarity.
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6 tips to make homework fun for kids

If we ask children what their favorite hobby is, we can get many different answers. But what is almost certain is that none of them will tell us that their favorite hobby is doing homework. However, even if it is not one of their favorite school tasks, they have to face them every day.
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6 steps for children to be the protagonists of their learning

In the middle of the 20th century, the American psychologist and pedagogue Benjamin Bloom, together with other collaborators, devised a model called Bloom's taxonomy, the purpose of which is to try to explain how children's learning should be structured and organized. This resulted in a pyramid with steps that teachers can use to make children the protagonists of their own learning, promoting a form of education with an integral vision.
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4 keys to achieve the real inclusion of all children in the classroom

We are in the XXI century, and we can say that education has advanced a lot in recent decades in terms of Students With Specific Educational Support Needs (ACNEAE). In the last two centuries we have gone through four states: exclusion, segregation, integration and inclusion. We are going to focus on the last two: integration and inclusion.
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3 good reasons not to take a child to school if they are sick

It is 2 in the morning and a voice sounds in the silence of the night: & 39; Dad, Mom! & 39; The little one has become ill and the next day neither can nor should go to school or nursery school. Faced with this situation we find ourselves with labor difficulties to be able to reconcile his illness with the rest he needs.
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The two basic requirements that children need from their teachers

What defines a good teacher? What do parents want from their children's teachers? What do children need from their teachers? After going through college, chatting with classmates, and practicing in the classroom, I've come to the conclusion that there are two very important requirements that all teachers must meet.
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The silent card technique for children with fear of exams

The technique of the silent card is a very simple idea with which it is intended to teach children that they do not have to have any fear of exams, regardless of the course they are in, because it is really a card like the ones they do daily only in silence. At my son's school, he is now 7 years old and in the second year of primary school, they use this method at the end of each term to do the evaluation.
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When parents are the ones who suffer when they leave their children at school

Maternity or paternity leave is over, their first year of school is coming, or simply your partner and you have decided that you want to enroll your child in a Nursery School and return to work. And that moment arrives: the beginning of the course and the dreaded Adaptation Period. This is a process that makes children suffer, but many parents also suffer when they leave their children at school.
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