Between the ages of 9 and 12, approximately, boys and girls enter that moment of transition between childhood and youth called puberty. A phase in which hormones are activated generating a whole series of changes in their bodies and way of being. Changes that they will have to face causing a new readjustment which we know as the puberty crisis; a crisis that often occurs among children ages 9 to 12.
Category Psychological changes
Between the ages of 9 and 12, approximately, boys and girls enter that moment of transition between childhood and youth called puberty. A phase in which hormones are activated generating a whole series of changes in their bodies and way of being. Changes that they will have to face causing a new readjustment which we know as the puberty crisis; a crisis that often occurs among children ages 9 to 12.
Between 14 and 16 years our children enter fully into adolescence. This is a vital period in which everything seems to get out of balance again just when they have not yet recovered from the puberty crisis that they just went through. And is that, often, these two phases overlap, as we explain below.