The Basket of Treasures is one of the most complete experiences and the best gift (along with massages) that we can offer a baby from approximately 6 months. There are many ideas that you can find in different media about the materials that can and / or should compose it, but do you really know how and why to choose them?
Category Infant stimulation
We refer to fine motor skills when we talk about motor skills that allow the child to make small and very precise movements, especially related to the upper extremities (arms, hands and fingers), and in which eye-hand coordination is essential. We can therefore deduce that it is a type of complex motor skills and that it requires the coordination of different functions of the neurological system, the muscular system and the skeletal system.
Scientists have long known that humor helps children improve some of their cognitive abilities, such as attention, perception, motivation and memory, all of which are involved in the learning process. And there are so many benefits of laughter that a recent study has come to ensure that babies learn faster when they laugh.
The Basket of Treasures is one of the most complete experiences and the best gift (along with massages) that we can offer a baby from approximately 6 months. There are many ideas that you can find in different media about the materials that can and / or should compose it, but do you really know how and why to choose them?
When we talk about the senses, the five basic senses of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch probably come to mind. But did you know that there are more than five senses? Did you know that these five senses are only secondary? What really are the primary senses? From here, we can answer the third and important question that surely comes to mind: How do we manage to stimulate all the primary and secondary senses of children from an early age.