Category Childhood illnesses

Childhood illnesses

Symptoms of pneumonia that can be mistaken for coronavirus in children and adults

The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), which seriously affects the respiratory system and has claimed the lives of thousands of people, children, adults and the elderly, around the world, has been confused with other diseases related to the lungs, such as Atypical pneumonia. Their symptoms are very similar but there are some differences that indicate the diagnosis to patients and that we should know about.
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Childhood illnesses

What is Kawasaki disease

There are simple diseases that affect only one part of the body, but others are more complex and can present with very varied symptoms such as fever, red eyes, swelling of the tongue and lips and a skin rash, as occurs in the disease of Kawasaki, but what really is Kawasaki disease?
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Childhood illnesses

Lupus in children and adolescents

Systemic lupus erythematosus is a chronic auntoimmune disease, a type of pathology that is produced by a disorder in our defense system, in such a way that antibodies attack tissues and organs. How does lupus affect children and adolescents? Remember that the immune system defends our body from foreign agents (antigens), such as viruses or bacteria, that can attack it, but in this case, it attacks the body itself and produces a reaction very painful inflammatory disease, for those who suffer from this disease.
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Childhood illnesses

Main autoimmune diseases that can affect children

The body has a defense system called the immune or immune system that acts as a protective shield against everything that can attack it and keeps it healthy, but sometimes that system that defends us becomes aggressive against the cells, organs or healthy tissues of any part of the body and produces diseases called autoimmune.
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Childhood illnesses

Most common throat diseases in children

Who in his life has not suffered from a sore throat? Throat diseases are very common, especially in childhood (2 to 7 years) and sore throat is a typical symptom of those diseases that affect that area. Among those most frequent diseases we can mention: tonsillitis and pharyngitis, produced by viral agents (more frequently) or by bacteria.
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Childhood illnesses

Home remedies for colds and colds in children

If your child has symptoms of colds and colds, and you want to remedy them at home, you can apply some natural and home remedies that we suggest. Is that this type of symptoms is one of the concerns of parents is to relieve their children when they are sick. It's those times when children wake up with a coughing fit, their throat hurts or their fever rises suddenly and we can't see the doctor until the next day.
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Childhood illnesses

Diseases that are transmitted to children with kissing on the mouth

The kiss is an expression of affection, affection and love towards loved ones and when it comes to our children, it causes us to & 39; eat them with kisses & 39; as the well-known phrase says. And we not only do it with kisses on the cheeks, forehead, body, but also directly on the mouth, this site being somewhat controversial for many people from a psychological, sexual, religious, cultural and also health point of view.
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Childhood illnesses

Childhood diseases caused by lack of vitamins

Vitamins are organic substances present in very small amounts in food, but necessary for metabolism. The human being needs 13 vitamins in his body to be healthy, (A, B, C, D, E, K) most of them are obtained in food. In case of not receiving an adequate diet, the body can present deficiencies or deficiencies of these vitamins causing that the organism does not respond equally and can produce certain complications.
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Childhood illnesses

Tips to quarantine for coronavirus with children at home

Due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus virus or COVID 19, the population of different countries is being asked to remain in quarantine in the event of any symptoms. It is an exceptional average that is causing many inquiries to the population, hence from we want to provide you with some tips to quarantine for coronavirus at home.
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Childhood illnesses

Cataplexy in children. The disease of emotions

Have you ever had a laughing fit so bad that you almost passed out? Are you one of the people who gets excited or startled easily? Well imagine that the same thing happened to you but with a minimal laugh or a slight feeling of fear or fright. It sure would be a problem right? That is exactly what happens to people who suffer from a disease called cataplexy.
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Childhood illnesses

Tests to know if I have coronavirus and treatment to follow

Being well informed about the coronavirus, recently renamed COVID-19, is the best way to avoid its spread and, in the case of having it, to overcome this disease that in many cases passes like a normal flu. There are many questions about this new virus, such as what are the tests to know if I have coronavirus, and therefore, from Guianfantil.
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