According to the World Health Organization, autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) include some disorders related to brain development, including autism or Asperger syndrome. This time we talk about some games and activities that will help stimulate children with Asperger's syndrome, in case your child has been diagnosed.
Category Asperger
According to the World Health Organization, autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) include some disorders related to brain development, including autism or Asperger syndrome. This time we talk about some games and activities that will help stimulate children with Asperger's syndrome, in case your child has been diagnosed.
Christmas is a time of sensory overstimulation, changes in routines, family gatherings, situations that can be pleasant at the same time as stressful. How does this affect children with Asperger syndrome? It is true that for families in which there is a child with Asperger Syndrome the challenge is special, but this time is also full of learning opportunities and enjoyment for all.