Recommended Interesting Articles


We celebrate International Literacy Day

It is a paradox that while in some societies we are competing for access to the most advanced technology at cruising speed, there are still 870 million illiterate people in the world, of which 500 million are women. boys and girls who do not have access to education.
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Advantages and disadvantages of having a protective sibling

On many occasions we speak of protective parents who can damage the children's self-esteem if they go from protection to over protection, but if the parents are not like that, the siblings may be. A sibling usually feels the need to protect his brother when he is younger or when he believes that someone may do something wrong to him.
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What problems affect sperm production

Male physical and psychological health problems can affect male reproduction. Dr. Alberto Pacheco, director of the IVI Andrology Laboratory, tells us how stress, anxiety and some diseases affect sperm production.You can read more articles similar to What problems affect sperm production, in the Problems category of fertility in Guiainfantil.
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Childhood illnesses

Lupus in children and adolescents

Systemic lupus erythematosus is a chronic auntoimmune disease, a type of pathology that is produced by a disorder in our defense system, in such a way that antibodies attack tissues and organs. How does lupus affect children and adolescents? Remember that the immune system defends our body from foreign agents (antigens), such as viruses or bacteria, that can attack it, but in this case, it attacks the body itself and produces a reaction very painful inflammatory disease, for those who suffer from this disease.
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The fox and the stork. La Fontaine's Fables

With the fables of La Fontaine you can find stories to educate children in values. In these popular short stories, children will find valuable lessons about honesty or solidarity. Children's stories help develop your children's imagination and creativity. With fables, children will discover morals, very interesting little lessons in the form of fun stories.
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Signs that the child is not getting over the death of a loved one

Psychologists and pedagogues tell us that children generally learn by themselves how to mourn for their loved one without much complication, and they find a way to overcome or adapt to pain. However, there are certain cases in which this does not occur, some circumstances can cause the pain and the failure to overcome the lack of the loved one influence the normal development of the child.
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